meaning'distinction, difference, variation, discrepancy, margin, balance'
 kunyomiさ.す, さ.し
差しさしあげるto lift up, to raise, to give
差すさすto raise (stretch out) hands, to raise (eg umbrella)
差しげるさしあげる(polite) to give, to offer
difference, variation
差しさしひきdeduction, subtraction, balance, ebb and flow
ひとさしゆびindex finger
差しさしつかえhindrance, impediment
差しものさしruler, measure
へんさちdeviation; academic performance relative to the group average
たいさgreat difference
差しさしもどすto send back, to refer back
差しえるさしひかえるto be moderate, to not do too much
差しさしとめprohibition, ban, suspension
差しさしせまるto be urgent or pressing
さえきmarginal profits
さがくbalance, difference, margin
かくさqualitative difference, disparity
かねざしcarpenter's square
差すあかねさすそらglowing sky
らくさa head (of water), a difference
ごさmeasurement error, calculation error
ちんぎんかくさwage differential
の差うんでいのさwide difference, a world of difference
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