meaning'patrol, go around, circumference'
 kunyomiめぐ.る, めぐ.り
巡るめぐるto go around
いちじゅんbeat, round
おつじゅんsecond-class cruiser
を巡らすへいをめぐらすto fence in, to surround with a wall
巡りめぐりあうto meet fortuitously (poet), to meet by chance, to happen across
じゅんかいgoing around, patrol, round, tour
じゅんさpolice, policeman
じゅんぎょうprovincial tour
じゅんれいpilgrimage, pilgrim
じゅんこうcruise, cruising
じゅんしinspection tour
じゅんしていpatrol boat
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