meaning'leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about'
 onyomiショウ, ソウ
 kunyomiまさ.に, はた, まさ, ひきい.る, もって
しょうらいfuture, prospects
しょうぎJapanese chess
ふゆしょうぎん"jack frost"
しゅしょうcommander-in-chief, (team) captain
じゅんしょうcommodore, brigadier general
がいせんしょうぐんtriumphant general
ふくしょうsecond in command
たいしょう, だいしょうgeneral, admiral, boss
しょうcommander, general, leader
しょうへいofficers and men
はたまたand, or
しょうらいぞうvision of the future
しょうらいせいfuture prospects, promise
しょうこうcommissioned officer
しょうぎだおしfalling one after another
しょうぐんgeneral, shogun
ぶしょうmilitary commander
おうしょうking; king (for senior player) (shogi)
め将つめしょうぎchess problem, composed shogi problem
がきだいしょうboss of the children (in the neighbourhood) (neighborhood), bully
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