meaning'vis-a-vis, opposite, even, equal, versus, anti-, compare'
 onyomiタイ, ツイ
 kunyomiあいて, こた.える, そろ.い, つれあ.い, なら.ぶ, むか.う
たいpair, couple, set
対するたいするto face, to confront, to oppose (vs-s)
たいしょうcontrast, antithesis, comparison
たいさくcounter-plan, counter-measure
ぜったいabsolute, unconditional, absoluteness
たいしょうtarget, object (of worship, study, etc), subject
こくたいCommittee of the National Diet
たいしょdeal with, cope
たいがいexternal, foreign
たいきょく(playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc.
たいがんopposite shore
たいおうinteraction, correspondence, coping with, dealing with, support
たいこうopposition, antagonism
たいにちwith respect to Japan, with Japan
たいひcontrast, comparison
たいしょうりょうほうsymptomatic therapy, makeshift solution
対立たいりつconfrontation, opposition, antagonism
たいべいrelating to the USA, toward America, with America
たいわinteractive, interaction, conversation, dialogue
たいだんtalk, dialogue, conversation
てきたいhostility, antagonism, opposition
ひかくたいしょうcomparison and contrast
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