term | pronunciation | English |
寒い | さむい | cold |
寒がる | さむがる | to be sensitive to the cold |
寒冷地 | かんれいち | a cold (northern) district |
寒さ | さむさ | (the) cold, coldness |
寒がり | さむがり | a person exceedingly sensitive to cold |
悪寒 | おかん | chill |
寒気 | さむけ | a chill, a shivering fit |
厳寒 | げんかん | intense cold |
寒 | かん | midwinter, cold season, coldest days of the year |
寒冷 | かんれい | cold, coldness, chilliness |
寒冷紗 | かんれいしゃ | cheesecloth |
寒天 | かんてん | freezing weather; agar-agar, vegetable gelatin |
寒暖 | かんだん | heat and cold, (extremes of) temperature |
寒椿 | かんつばき | camellia-like plant native to China |
寒波 | かんぱ | cold wave |
寒風 | かんぷう | cold wind |
極寒 | ごっかん | intense cold, mid-winter |
肌寒い | はださむい, はだざむい | chilly, unpleasantly cold |
酷寒 | こっかん | severe (intense) cold, depth of winter |