meaning'draw near, stop in, bring near, gather, collect, send, forward'
 kunyomiよ.る, -よ.り, よ.せる
寄るよるto visit, to drop in
寄せるよせるto collect, to gather, to add, to put aside
寄るちかよるto approach, to draw near
寄ればさんにんよればもんじゅのちえtwo heads are better than one
寄りかるよりかかるto lean against, to recline on, to lean on, to rely on
きふcontribution, donation
きふこういact of endowment or donation
よせmusical hall, vaudeville
きこうstopping at a port
稿きこうcontribution (e.g. to newspaper)
きぞう, きそうdonation, presentation, gift
寄りとしよりold people, the aged; sumo coaches
び寄るしのびよるto creep, to steal up, to draw near unnoticed
寄りもよりnearest, neighbouring, neighboring, nearby
み寄りあゆみよりcompromise, concession
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