meaning'determine, fix, establish, decide'
 onyomiテイ, ジョウ
 kunyomiさだ.める, さだ.まる, さだ.か
よていplans, arrangement, schedule
あんていstability, equilibrium
かていassumption, supposition, hypothesis
ていいんfixed number of regular personnel, capacity
ていかestablished price
すいていpresumption, assumption, estimation
だんていconclusion, decision
ていきゅうびa regular store holiday
ていきfixed term
ていきけんcommuter pass, season ticket
けっていdecision, determination
じょうぎ(measuring) ruler
ふあんていinstability, insecurity, crankiness
かりかんじょうsuspense account
かりていかんprovisional articles
こうていぶあいofficial discount (bank) rate
はんていjudgement, judgment, decision, award, verdict
せいていenactment, establishment, creation
きょうていarrangement, pact, agreement
こていfixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)
こていしさんfixed assets
ていこくappointed time, timetable, schedule
ていすうconstant; literal
ていきよきんterm deposit, (fixed) time deposit
ていかんarticles of incorporation, company statute
ていそしきcornerstone (foundation stone) ceremony
ていちあみfixed net
そうていhypothesis, supposition, assumption
していdesignation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing at
そていassumption, supposition
きていdefault, established, pre-arranged, fixed, predetermined
ざんていtentative, temporary
ざんていよさんprovisional budget
ざんていきょうていprovisional agreement
ざんていせいふinterim government
ざんていてきtemporary, provisional
みていnot yet fixed, undecided, pending
けんていofficial certification, approval, inspection
きんていauthorized, authorised, appointed
きんていけんぽうconstitution granted by the Emperor
そくていきmeasuring instrument
てきていりょうtiter, titre
とくていspecific, special, particular
かくていdecision, settlement; definition
ちっそこていnitrogen fixation
ちっそこていほうnitrogen fixation (method)
さくていdecision, settling on
せいしんかんていpsychiatric examination
しんしきょうていgentlemen's agreement
こうていおうとうacknowledge, ACK
こうていぶんaffirmative sentence
きていregulation, provisions
かんていjudgement, judgment, expert opinion
貿かんぜいぼうえきいっぱんきょうていGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995), GATT
げんていlimit, restriction
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