meaning'character, letter, word, section of village'
 kunyomiあざ, あざな, -な
character, letter
じゅうじa cross
ふとじa bold-faced type, a thick letter
ローマ字ローマじ"Roman characters", the Latin alphabet
おおあざlarger section (of a village)
みょうじsurname, family name
じまくsubtitles, a title, a caption
すうじa numeral, a figure
字をじをかくto write letters/characters, to wite one letter
あかじa deficit
かしらもじan initial letter, a capital
くろじ(in) 'the black'
じゅうじかcross, the Cross (of Christ)
じくwording, words and phrases, way of expression, token
じづめnumber of characters, manuscript paper, printed matter
もじばんdial (i.e. labelled face of a timepiece or other measuring device)
もじどおりliteral; literally
かつじprinting type
かんじぶんかけんcountries which use Chinese characters
えいじEnglish letter, alphabetic character
きんじとうpyramid, monumental work
いんじrhyming words
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