姿 meaning'figure, form, shape'
姿しせいattitude, posture
姿すがたfigure, shape, appearance
あで姿あですがた, えんしcharming figure, alluring figure
パジャマ姿パジャマすがた(appearance while) in pajamas (pyjamas)
姿ていしせい(keeping a) low profile
姿をあらわすすがたをあらわすto make an appearance, to show up
姿ようしappearance, one's face and figure
ろ姿うしろすがたretreating figure, appearance from behind
れ姿はれすがたappearing in one's finest clothes, appearing in one's hour of triumph
姿えいしさっそうcutting a fine (dashing, gallant, noble) figure
姿ゆうしgallant figure
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