meaning'committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard'
いいんcommittee member
ちゅうおういいんかいcentral committee
こうしょういいんnegotiating committeemen
こうとりいFair Trade Commission
こうあんいいんかいpublic safety commission
きょうさんとうちゅうおういいんかいCentral Committee of the Communist Party
こくさいむせんつうしんしもんいいんかいComite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications, CCIR
こくさいでんしんでんわしもんいいんかいInternational Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT
しっこういいんexecutive committee
いいんかいcommittee, commission, board, panel, committee meeting
いいんかいにはかるto submit (a plan) to a committee for deliberation
いいんちょうcommittee chairman
いしょくentrusting (with)
いしょくじょうletter of appointment (to a position)
いしゅくwithering, atrophy, contraction, dwarf
いたくconsign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit
ちょうばついいんかいdisciplinary committee
きょういくいいんかいBoard of Education
しもんいいんかいadvisory committee (council, panel)
ぎいんうんえいいいんかいCommittee on Rules and Administration (Diet)
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