meaning'husband, man'
 onyomiフ, フウ, ブ
 kunyomiおっと, そ.れ
〜夫〜ふじんMadam~, Mrs. ~
だいじょうぶOK, safe, all right
おっとone's husband
‾夫‾ふじんMadam~, Mrs. ~
ふじんwife, Mrs, madam
ふさいhusband and wife
ふうふa married couple
くふうdevice, scheme
じょうぶhealthy, robust, strong, solid, durable
ぼうふmy deceased husband, my late husband
こうしゃくふじんprincess, duchess
ひっぷ(humble) man, coarse man, rustic
夫のひっぷのゆうrash courage
ひっぷひっぷcoarse men and women
ふくんone's husband
ぎだゆうgidayuu (form of ballad drama)
ろうふうふan old couple
たるきゅうきゅうたるぶふsoldier of dauntless courage
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