 onyomiセイ, ショウ
 kunyomiこえ, こわ-
こえa voice, a tone (of voice), a cry, a call, a sound
めいせいfame, (a) reputation
声をかけこえをかけるto call out (to), to hail, to say something
おおごえloud voice
声をおおこえをだすto raise one's voice, to shout
こごえa low voice, a whisper
い声わらいごえlaughter, a laughing voice
び声さけびごえshout, yell, scream
せいえんencouragement, cheering, support
せいめいdeclaration, statement, proclamation
せいがくvocal music
せいもんvoice print
こわだかwith a loud voice
どせいangry voice, harsh words
かくせいきmegaphone, bullhorn, loudhailer
うたごえsinging voice
かんせいcheer, shout of joy
き声なきごえcry, crying voice
なみだごえtearful voice
けいせいsound of a valley stream
だいいっせいfirst tone, first speech
げんせいsound of the strings
の囁くな声かのささやくなこえfaint voice
じゅうせいgunshot, (gun) report
おんせい, おんじょうvoice, (the concept of) sound
ほうせいverbal message
き声なきごえcry (esp. animal), roar
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