meaning'increase, add, augment, gain, promote'
 kunyomiま.す, ま.し, ふ.える, ふ.やす
増えるふえるto increase, to multiply
ぞうかincrease, addition
増やすふやすto increase, to add to, to augment
増すますto increase, to grow
ぞうげんincrease and decrease, fluctuation
げきぞうsudden increase
増しまし, マシbetter; more; increase, growth
ぞうさつadditional printing
ぞうしゅうincrease in yield
ぞうきょうaugment, reinforce, increase
ぞうしょくincrease, multiplication, propagation
ぞうえきincreased (profit)
ぞうぜいtax increase
ぞうちくaddition to a building
ぞうていnew and revised (edition)
ぞうていばんenlarged and revised edition
ぞうがくincreased amount
きゅうぞうexplosion, proliferation, surge
ぜんぞうgradual increase
じゅんぞうnet increase
るいぞうsuccessive or progressive increases, cumulative increase
ていぞうgradual increase
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