meaning'ground, earth'
 onyomiチ, ジ
ちかunder ground
ちくa district, a section, an area, a zone, a quarter
ちずa map
じみなplain (living), simple (tastes), subdued (colors)
だんちmulti-unit apartments
ちい(social) position, status
ちめいplace name
ちいきarea, region
かんれいちa cold (northern) district
ちたいarea, zone
地をはいじをはるto be stubborn, to not give in
いじわるmalicious, ill-tempered, unkind
ちほうa locality, a district, a region, an area
ちかすいunderground water
ちてんsite, point on a map
むじplain, unfigured
ちきゅうearth (planet)
さんちproducing area
ばんちhouse number, address
ぼんちbasin (e.g. between mountains)
けいひんしんちほうthe Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area
こうちarable land
ちしつgeological features
ゆうえんちamusement park
ちかてつthe subway, the underground, the Tube (Metro)
じしんan earthquake (shock), an earth tremor
きゅうりょうちたいhill country, hilly area
けいじちほうKyoto-Shiga district
すみごこちcomfort (in living place)
じゅうたくちhousing district, residential district
よちplace, room, margin, scope
しゃくちleased land
めんそちtax-exempt land
とちplot of land, lot, soil
とちがらlocal colour, local color
ちじょうabove ground
じかたびwork tabi, split-toed heavy cloth shoes with rubber soles
ちかthe price of land
じもとhome area, home town; local
じみplain, simple, subdued, sober
じうた(style of) folk song
じつぼground or land area
ちいきしゃかいregional community
ちそうstratum, geological formation, layer, bed (coal, gravel, etc.)
ちほうばんlocal edition
ちけんDistrict Public Prosecutor's Office
ちかくearth's crust
ちかくへんどうchange in earth's crust
じばんstronghold, base, (the) ground
ちじきgeomagnetism, terrestrial magnetism
ちそland tax
ちえんterritorial relationship, regional bond
じはだtexture, grain
ちさいdistrict court
じちんさいground-breaking ceremony
じらいland mine
じひびきsubterranean rumbling, earth tremor
め立て地うめたてちreclaimed land
ばいちculture medium
きょうちone's lot, circumstance, situation in life
ぼち, はかちcemetery, graveyard
おうち, おくちinterior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions
たくちbuilding lot, residential land
さんがくちたいmountain district
しがいちtown areas
だんちwarm district, region of mild climate
みこんちuncultivated land
みかいこんちvirgin soil, uncultivated land
こんきょちbase (of operations)
しょくみんちcolony; colonial
さわちmarshy land
ぬまち, しょうちmarshland, wetland, swampland
湿しっちswampy (damp) land
げんちactual place, local
き地いきじごくhell on earth, living hell
せいそくちhabitat, home (e.g. of the tiger)
はっしょうちcradle (of civilisation, civilization, etc.), birthplace
ちょっかつちarea under direct control (of the shogun)
ちょっかつしょくみんちcrown colony
そしゃくちleasehold land
きゅうちdilemma, predicament
ついじa mud wall with a roof
きぬじsilk fabrics
りょくちgreen tract of land
かんしょうちたいbuffer zone
せいちsacred place, holy ground, the Holy Land
貿じゆうぼうえきちいきfree trade zone, free trade area
やちmarsh land, swamp
ふにんちplace of (new) post, (new) place of appointment
のうちagricultural land
のうちかいかくagrarian reform
かいこんちcultivated land
じんち(military) encampment, position
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