meaning'harden, set, clot, curdle'
 kunyomiかた.める, かた.まる, かた.まり, かた.い
/硬/固いかたいsolid, hard, firm
ぎょうこcoagulation, freezing, solidification
固めかためhardening, defense, defence, fortifying, pledge
固めるかためるto harden, to freeze, to fortify
こたいsolid (body), solid matter, solid-state
こていfixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)
こていしさんfixed assets
こゆうcharacteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, native, eigen-
こゆうめいしproper noun
けんごsolid, strong, firm
きょうこfirmness, stability, security, strength
かっこfirm, unshakeable, resolute
きんこimprisonment, confinement
ちっそこていnitrogen fixation
ちっそこていほうnitrogen fixation (method)
がんこstubbornness, obstinacy
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