meaning'surround, besiege, store, paling, enclosure, encircle, preserve, keep'
 kunyomiかこ.む, かこ.う, かこ.い
はんいextent, scope, sphere, range
ふんいきatmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience
ほういsiege, encirclement, envelopment
り囲むとりかこむto surround, to crowd around
しゅういsurroundings, environs; circumference
囲いかこいenclosure, paling, storage
囲みかこみenclosure, box, column, siege
囲むかこむto surround, to encircle
いろりhearth, fireplace
いごGo (board game of capturing territory)
かぞくてきなふんいきfamily atmosphere
こうはんいextensive, vast range, wide scope
ふんいきをこわすto spoil the mood
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