meaning'-times, round, game, revolve, counter for occurrences'
 onyomiカイ, エ
 kunyomiまわ.る, -まわ.る, -まわ.り, まわ.す, -まわ.す, まわ.し-, -まわ.し, もとお.る, か.える
よんかいfour times
回るまわるto go round
なんかいhow often?
回すまわすto turn
~回~かいcounter for occurrences
かいcounter for occurrences
こんかいnow, this time, lately
回りまわりcircumference, surroundings, circulation
かいふくrecovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation
かいすうnumber of times, frequency
かいすうけんbook of tickets
回しねまわしlaying the groundwork
かいてんturning, (a) revolution, (a) rotation, (a) spin
回りとおまわりa detour, a roundabout way
しちかいきseventh anniversary of a death
さんかいきsecond anniversary of a death
ぜんかいlast time, last installment, last instalment, last session
かいしゅうcollection, recovery
かいきreturn (to), revolution, recurrence, recursion, comeback, revival
かいきdeath anniversary
かいせんmatch, game
かいせんrotation, revolution, convolution
かいせんcircuit, line
かいろcircuit (electric)
かいてんとびらrevolving door
かいひevasion, avoidance
かいころくmemoirs, reminiscences
だっかいrecovery, rescue, recapture
じゅんかいgoing around, patrol, round, tour
し回るさがしまわるto hunt around, to search about for
てっかいwithdrawal, revocation, repeal
せんかいrevolution, rotation, turning, swiveling, circling
じかいnext time (occasion)
まいかいevery time, each round
回りどうまわりwaist, girth, measurement around waist
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