meaning'question, ask, problem'
 kunyomiと.う, と.い, とん
問いといquestion, query
問うとうto ask, to question
問いといあわせan inquiry
がくもんlearning, studies, an academic discipline
ぎもん(a) question
もんどうquestions and answers, dialogue
ほうもんcall, visit
しつもんa question, an interrogation, an inquiry
問するしつもんするto ask a person a question
もんだいしゅうa collection of problems, a workbook
もんだいa problem, a matter
もんだいをとくto solve a problem
もんcounter for questions
問いわせといあわせenquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation
とんや, といやwholesale store
もんせきblame, censure, reproof, reprimand, rebuke
もんだいいしきawareness of the issues
もんだいてんthe point at issue
こくさいむせんつうしんしもんいいんかいComite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications, CCIR
こくさいでんしんでんわしもんいいんかいInternational Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT
じんもんcross-examination, interrogation, questioning
ちょうもんcondolence call
いもんcondolences, sympathy call
こべつほうもんdoor-to-door visit, door-to-door canvassing, door-to-door canvasing
ごうもんtorture, the rack, third degree
ごうもんぐinstrument(s) of torture
ごうもんだいthe rack
けんもんinspection, examination
問がなおぎもんがそんA doubt still remains
ぎもんふquestion mark
しゃかいもんだいsocial problem
ぜんもんどうZen dialogue, Zen questions and answers
きゅうもんinquiry, enquiry
がいもんだいthe matter in question, the said problem
しもんquestion, enquiry, inquiry
しもんじこうterms of reference
しもんいいんかいadvisory committee (council, panel)
しもんきかんconsultative body, advisory committee, advisory organ
ぐんじこもんmilitary adviser, military advisor
なんもんperplexity, difficult question, difficult problem
こもんadviser, advisor, consultant
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