meaning'pathetic, grief, sorrow, pathos, pity, sympathize'
 kunyomiあわ.れ, あわ.れむ, かな.しい
哀れあわれhelpless, pity, sorrow, grief
あいがんぶつprized or treasured object
かわいそうpoor, pitiable, pathetic
哀れっぽいあわれっぽいplaintive, piteous, doleful
あいせつpathetic, plaintive
かなしいかなSad to say, How sad, Alas
あいちょうsympathetic condolences
あいとうcondolence, regret, tribute, sorrow, sympathy, lament
あいとうつうせきcondolence, mourning, sorrow, lamentation
あいしゅうpathos, sorrow, grief
あいぼcherish the memory of, yearn for
あいかんsadness and joy
きどあいらくhuman emotions (joy, anger, pathos, and humor) (humour)
ひあいsorrow, grief, sadness
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