meaning'call, call out to, invite'
呼びよびcall; invitation
呼ぶよぶcall (e.g. the doctor)
こきゅうbreath, respiration
呼びけるよびかけるto call out to, to accost, to address (crowd)
呼びよびだすto summon, to call (e.g. phone)
じんこうこきゅうartificial respiration
呼びかけよびかけcall, appeal
呼びよびだしcall; sumo usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc.
呼びよびすてaddressing someone without an honorific such as "san"
呼びよびかけcall, appeal
呼びよびりんbell (used for summoning or signalling), buzzer
こきゅうきrespiratory organs
こおうhailing each other; acting in concert; agreement, concord
こしょうnaming; nominal
吽の呼あうんのこきゅうthe harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity
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