meaning'flavor, taste'
 kunyomiあじ, あじ.わう
味いまずいunpleasant (taste)
味わうあじわうto taste, to relish, to savor, to appreciate
味をつけあじをつけるto season (food), to flavor (food)
味噌みそmiso, bean paste
あじflavor, taste
味なじみなplain (living), simple (tastes), subdued (colors)
いみ(a) meaning, a sense
みかたfriend, ally, supporter
しゅみan interest, a hobby
きょうみ(an) interest (in something)
するあじみするto taste, to have a taste of, to sample
調ちょうみりょうcondiment, seasoning
しゃみせんのこまbridge of shamisen
な味おつなあじstrange taste, spicy taste
はいみsubdued taste, refined taste, haiku (poetic) flavor (flavour)
ぎんみtesting, scrutiny, careful investigation
味わいあじわいflavour, flavor; meaning, significance
みかくtaste, palate, sense of taste
じみplain, simple, subdued, sober
みょうみexquisite, charm, profit
あくしゅみbad taste
いみあいimplication, nuance
ち味もちあじinherent flavor, inherent flavour, distinctive characteristic
きみsensation, feeling
じみnutriment, wholesome, savoriness, savouriness, rich food, nourishment
味にじみにとむnutritious, delicious
かんみりょうsweeteners, sweetening materials
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