term | pronunciation | English |
吸いう | すいう | smoke (cigarette) |
吸う | すう | to smoke (tobacco) |
呼吸 | こきゅう | breath, respiration |
人工呼吸 | じんこうこきゅう | artificial respiration |
吸い殻 | すいがら | cigarette end (butt), tobacco ashes |
吸い込む | すいこむ | to inhale; to absorb, to soak up |
吸入 | きゅうにゅう | inhalation |
吸収 | きゅうしゅう | absorption, suction, attraction |
吸引 | きゅういん | absorption, suction, aspiration, attraction |
吸着 | きゅうちゃく | adsorption, adsorb, attachment, sorption |
吸血鬼 | きゅうけつき | vampire, bloodsucker |
吸金剛 | ここんごう | Hevajra, Eternal Vajra (tantric Buddhist deity) |
呼吸器 | こきゅうき | respiratory organs |
汁吸啄木鳥 | しるすいきつつき, シルスイキツツキ | yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) |
阿吽の呼吸 | あうんのこきゅう | the harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity |