meaning'suck, imbibe, inhale, sip'
吸いうすいうsmoke (cigarette)
吸うすうto smoke (tobacco)
こきゅうbreath, respiration
じんこうこきゅうartificial respiration
吸いすいがらcigarette end (butt), tobacco ashes
吸い込むすいこむto inhale; to absorb, to soak up
きゅうしゅうabsorption, suction, attraction
きゅういんabsorption, suction, aspiration, attraction
きゅうちゃくadsorption, adsorb, attachment, sorption
きゅうけつきvampire, bloodsucker
ここんごうHevajra, Eternal Vajra (tantric Buddhist deity)
こきゅうきrespiratory organs
しるすいきつつき, シルスイキツツキyellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)
吽のあうんのこきゅうthe harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity
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