meaning'fit, suit, join, 0.1'
 onyomiゴウ, ガッ, カッ
 kunyomiあ.う, -あ.う, あ.い, あい-, -あ.い, -あい, あ.わす, あ.わせる, -あ.わせる
合うにあうto suit, to match well, to be suitable
ぐあいa condition, a state
合うあうto meet, to come together, to match, to fit
合わせるあわせるto put together, to join
わりあいa rate, a ratio, percentage, proportion
かいごうmeeting, assembly
き合いつきあいassociation, socializing, fellowship
合うつきあうto associate with, to keep company with
合いであいan encounter
ごうどう(a) combination, (a) union, merger
い合わといあわせan inquiry
あいずa sign, a signal
ばあいa case, an occasion, circumstances
まちあいしつa waiting room
ち合わせるまちあわせるto rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time
ごうかくsuccess, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility
ごうりゅうconfluence, union, linking up, merge
こんごうmixing, mixture
くみあいassociation, union
ごうけいa total, the sum (total), the total
しあいa game, a match, a tournament
し合うはなしあうto discuss; to talk together
合いはなしあいdiscussion, conference
れんごうunion, alliance
合がつごうがわるいbe inconvenient
合がいつごうがいいbe convenient (to)
つごうcircumstances, condition, convenience
り合うつりあうto balance, to be in harmony, to suit
に合うまにあうto be in time for, to do
しゅうごう(a) gathering, (a) meeting, an assembly
合いにあいwell-matched, becoming, suitable
合わしいにあわしいwell-matched, suitable, becoming
へいごうmerger, joining into one, melding, merging, annexation, absorption
こうていぶあいofficial discount (bank) rate
ね合いかねあいequilibrium, good balance, poise
し合うせっさたくましあうto work hard together, to be in a state of friendly rivalry
ろうどうくみあいlabor union, labour union
貿かんごうぼうえきlicensed trade
がっぺいしょうcomplications (in an illness)
ごうひsuccess or failure, result
がっしょうchorus, singing in a chorus
がっしょうだんchorus group, choir
がっそうconcert, ensemble
宿がっしゅくlodging together, training camp, boarding house
ごうべんjoint management, pool
ごういagreement, consent, mutual understanding
ごうせいじゅしplastics, synthetic resins
ごうせいせんざいsynthetic detergent
ごうせいせんいsynthetic fibre, synthetic fiber
ごうかくきがんprayer for school success
ごうりかrationalization, rationalisation, rationalize, rationalise
ごうせんsynthetic fiber, synthetic fibre
がっちagreement, concurrence, conformance
あいことばpassword, watchword
い合わせといあわせenquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation
い合いうばいあいscramble (for)
い合とむらいがっせんbattle of revenge
合いいみあいimplication, nuance
り合いおりあいmutual relations, compromise
き合うだきあうto embrace each other
せいごうadjustment, coordination, integration, conformity
かくゆうごうnuclear fusion
り合いなぐりあいfist fight
り合うなぐりあうto fight, to exchange blows
合いしおあいopportunity, chance
おきあいcoast, offing, offshore
どろじあいmudslinging, smear campaign
ぜ合わすまぜあわすto mix together, to blend, to compound
け合うとけあうto melt together
ゆごうagglutination, adhesion
ゆり, ユリlily; comics and novels about female homosexuality
り合うせりあうto struggle for, to compete with, to vie with
ふごうagreeing, coincidence
きゅうごうrally, muster
み合うからみあうto be(come) intertwined, to be entangled
とうごうintegration; integrated, built-in
とうごうばくりょうかいぎJoint Staff Council
そうごうsynthesis; comprehensive
そうごうsynthesis; comprehensive
合いはだあいperson's disposition
ゆうごうagglutination, adhesion, fusion, unite
ふくごうcomposite, combined, complex
れ合いふれあいcontact, connectedness
合わせごろあわせrhyming game, play on words, pun
だんごうconsultation; collusion, bid-rigging
合わせはちあわせbumping of heads, encounter, running into someone
ひごうほうillegal, unlawful
合わせかおあわせmeeting together, introduction
きゅうごうrally, muster
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