term | pronunciation | English |
受け取る | うけとる | accent |
受付 | うけつけ | reception desk |
引受る | ひきうける | to undertake, to take up, to take over |
受験する | じゅけんする | to take an examination |
試験を受 | しけんをうける | to take an exam |
享受 | きょうじゅ | reception, acceptance, enjoyment, being given |
享受者 | きょうじゅしゃ | recipient |
体外受精 | たいがいじゅせい | in vitro fertilization, in vitro fertilisation |
傍受 | ぼうじゅ | interception, monitoring, tapping |
受け入れ | うけいれ | receiving, acceptance |
受け入れる | うけいれる | to accept, to receive |
受け止める | うけとめる | to catch, to stop the blow, to react to, to take |
受け皿 | うけざら | saucer; receptacle for things, receiving something (e.g. funds) |
受信 | じゅしん | reception (e.g. radio), receipt |
受像 | じゅぞう | (television) reception |
受嘱 | じゅしょく | being entrusted with, being delegated with, RH |
受注 | じゅちゅう | accepting orders |
受章 | じゅしょう | reception of a decoration or order |
受精卵 | じゅせいらん | fertilized eggs, fertilised eggs |
受胎 | じゅたい | conception, fertilization, fertilisation |
受託 | じゅたく | being entrusted with, taking charge of |
受託収賄罪 | じゅたくしゅうわいざい | (the crime of) bribery |
受診 | じゅしん | having a medical exam, seeing a doctor |
受諾 | じゅだく | acceptance |
受講 | じゅこう | taking (attending) lectures |
受賞 | じゅしょう | winning (a prize) |
受領 | じゅりょう | receipt (of letter), acknowledgement, acceptance |
受験 | じゅけん | taking an examination |
授受 | じゅじゅ | give and receive |
甘受 | かんじゅ | submission to, putting up with |
譲り受ける | ゆずりうける | to inherit, to receive, to take over by transfer |
郵便受け | ゆうびんうけ | mailbox |
受けて | うけて | received |