term | pronunciation | English |
収める | おさめる | to obtain, to reap, to pay, to supply, to accept |
買収 | ばいしゅう | purchase; bribe |
領収 | りょうしゅう | receipt, voucher |
予想収穫高 | よそうしゅうかくだか | crop estimate |
俘虜収容所 | ふりょしゅうようじょ | concentration camp |
収入 | しゅうにゅう | income, receipts, revenue |
収容所 | しゅうようじょ | home, asylum, camp |
収拾 | しゅうしゅう | control, settling, coping |
収支 | しゅうし | income and expenditure |
収束 | しゅうそく | convergence, tie up |
収益 | しゅうえき | earnings, proceeds, returns |
収税吏 | しゅうぜいり | tax collector |
収穫 | しゅうかく | harvest, crop, ingathering |
収穫予想 | しゅうかくよそう | crop estimate |
収穫感謝祭 | しゅうかくかんしゃさい | Thanksgiving Day, harvest festival |
収穫時 | しゅうかくじ | time of harvest |
収穫期 | しゅうかくき | harvest time |
収穫物 | しゅうかくぶつ | the harvest, the yield |
収穫高 | しゅうかくだか | crop, income |
収納 | しゅうのう | crop, harvest, receipts, putting or stowing away |
収縮 | しゅうしゅく | deflation, contraction, shrinking, constriction |
収繭 | しゅうけん | cocoon crop |
収賄 | しゅうわい | accepting bribes, corruption, graft |
収録 | しゅうろく | compilation, editing; recording |
収集 | しゅうしゅう | gathering up, collection, accumulation |
受託収賄罪 | じゅたくしゅうわいざい | (the crime of) bribery |
吸収 | きゅうしゅう | absorption, suction, attraction |
回収 | かいしゅう | collection, recovery |
増収 | ぞうしゅう | increase in yield |
年収 | ねんしゅう | annual income |
徴収 | ちょうしゅう | collection, levy |
押収 | おうしゅう | seizure, confiscation |
捕虜収容所 | ほりょしゅうようじょ | prison camp, concentration camp, prisoner of war camp, POW camp |
撤収 | てっしゅう | withdrawal |
没収 | ぼっしゅう | forfeiture, seizure, confiscation, impounding |
減収 | げんしゅう | fall, decrease (in income) |
税収 | ぜいしゅう | tax yields, revenue |
贈収賄 | ぞうしゅうわい | bribery, corruption |