meaning'instead, on the contrary, rather'
 kunyomiかえ.って, しりぞ.く, しりぞ.ける
却ってかえってon the contrary, rather, all the more, instead
しょうきゃくrepayment, redemption, amortization, amortisation
れいきゃくcooling, refrigeration
れいきゃくきかんcooling-off period
きゃっかrejection, dismissal
ばいきゃくsale, disposal by sale
ぼうきゃくlapse of memory, forgetfulness, oblivion
ききゃくrejection, dismissal, abandoning, renunciation, waiver
しょうきゃくincineration, destroy by fire
だっきゃくridding (freeing) oneself
へんきゃくreturn of something, repayment
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