meaning'ward, district'
 onyomiク, オウ, コウ
するくべつするto distinguish, to classify, to tell apart
くぶん(a) division, (a) classification, sorting, grouping
くべつ(a) distinction, (a) difference
くぎるto punctuate, to cut off, to mark off, to stop
~区~くdistrict ~
ちくa district, a section, an area, a zone, a quarter
くいきlimits, boundary, domain, zone, sphere, territory
しながわくShinagawa ward (of Tokyo)
かやくしょa ward office
ward, district, section
くないin the ward or borough
くみんward residents
区立くりつestablished by the ward
くちょうward headman
くかんsection (of track, etc.), segment, dimension
しょうせんきょくsmall electoral district, single-member constituency
こうくmining area, mine lot
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