ぺきんBeijing, Peking
なんぼくsouth and north
きたぐちthe north gate
とうほくthe northeast
ほっきょくNorth Pole
ほくべいNorth America
ほくべいじんNorth American (person)
きたかぜnorth wind
きたがわ, ほくそくnorth side, north bank
ほくれいnorthern mountain, Mt. Hiei
ほくとしちせいthe Great Bear, the Great Dipper, Ursa Major
ほくとせいthe Great Bear, the Great Dipper, Ursa Major
ほっぽうnorthern (district), northward
きたちょうせんNorth Korea
ほくとう, きたひがしnortheast
ほっきょくけんArctic Circle, the Arctic
ほっきょくぐまpolar bear
ほくおうNorthern Europe, land of the Norsemen, Scandinavia
ほっかいどうHokkaido (northernmost of the four main islands of Japan)
ほくいnorth latitude
ほっこうnorthern suburbs
ほくぶnorth, northern part
ほくりくregion west of Tokyo on Japan Sea side of Japan
なんせいほくばつattacking in all directions
はいぼくdefeat; to be defeated
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