term | pronunciation | English |
公務 | こうむ | official business, public business |
務め | つとめ | (1) service, duty, (2) Buddhist religious service |
務める | つとめる | (1) to serve, to fill a post, to serve under |
事務員 | じむいん | secretary |
公務員 | こうむいん | a public servant, a government employee |
事務所 | じむしょ | office |
事務 | じむ | business, office work |
事務取扱い | じむとりあつかい | acting director |
事務局 | じむきょく | secretariat, executive office |
事務机 | じむづくえ | clerical desk |
事務次官 | じむじかん | permanent vice-president, undersecretary, vice-minister |
任務 | にんむ | duty, function, office, mission, task |
債務 | さいむ | debt, liabilities |
兼務 | けんむ | additional post |
刑務所 | けいむしょ | prison, penitentiary |
勤務 | きんむ | service, duty, work |
勤務実績 | きんむじっせき | service record |
双務契約 | そうむけいやく | bilateral agreement |
国務大臣 | こくむだいじん | Minister of State |
国務長官 | こくむちょうかん | Secretary of State |
執務 | しつむ | performance of one's official duties |
外務 | がいむ | foreign affairs |
外務省 | がいむしょう | Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
専務 | せんむ | managing director, special duty, conductor |
常務 | じょうむ | managing director; routine business, regular business |
庶務 | しょむ | general affairs |
庶務課 | しょむか | general affairs section |
弁務官 | べんむかん | commissioner |
役務賠償 | えきむばいしょう | reparation in the form of service |
扶養義務 | ふようぎむ | duty to support (a person) |
政務次官 | せいむじかん | parliamentary vice-minister |
業務 | ぎょうむ | business, affairs, duties, work, procedure, task, action, function |
業務提携 | ぎょうむていけい | business partnership |
法律事務所 | ほうりつじむしょ | law office, law firm |
福祉事務所 | ふくしじむしょ | welfare office, social security office |
税務署 | ぜいむしょ | tax office |
総務 | そうむ | general business (affairs), manager, director, adjutant general (mil) |
義務 | ぎむ | duty, obligation, responsibility |
財務 | ざいむ | financial affairs |
責務 | せきむ | duty, obligation |