meaning'separate, branch off, diverge, fork, another, extra, specially'
 kunyomiわか.れる, わ.ける
わか・れるseparate, another, branch off
別れるわかれるto separate
別にべつに(not) particularly, nothing
べつべつseparately, individually
別れわかれparting, separation, farewell
別するくべつするto distinguish, to classify, to tell apart
くべつ(a) distinction, (a) difference
せいべつdistinction by sex, sex, gender
ぜいべつtax not included
べっそうholiday house, villa
そうべつfarewell, send-off
こべつparticular case, discrete, individual, separate
べっこanother, different, separate, discrete
べっさつseparate volume, extra issue, supplement
べつずりexcerpt, offprint, printed separately
べっきょseparation, living apart
べっかんseparate volume, extra issue
べつむね, べっとうseparate building, outbuilding, outhouse
べっぴょうannexed (statistical) table
べっていvilla, detached residence
べっこうspecial heading, separate paragraph
こくべつfarewell, leave-taking
しゅんべつrigorous distinction
こべつほうもんdoor-to-door visit, door-to-door canvassing, door-to-door canvasing
かんべつdiscrimination, judgement, judgment, separation, sorting
ひなかんべつしゃchicken sexer
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