term | pronunciation | English |
切 | き・る | to cut, to sever, to carve, to slice |
切れ | きれ | cloth, piece, cut, chop |
切れる | きれる | (1) to cut well, to be sharp, (2) to break (off) |
区切る | くぎる | to punctuate, to cut off, to mark off, to stop |
千切りに | せんぎりにする | to cut into thin strips |
売り切れ | うりけれる | to sell out, to be sold out, to be out of stock |
大切な | たいせつな | important |
大切 | たいせつ | important |
張り切る | はりきる | to be in high spirits, to be full of vigor |
切手 | きって | a stamp |
横切る | よこぎる | to cross (e.g. arms), to traverse |
切符 | きっぷ | ticket |
紙を切る | かみをきる | to cut (a piece of) paper |
親切 | しんせつ | kindness, goodness, goodwill |
親切な人 | しんせつなひと | kind person |
貸切の | かしきりの | reserved |
踏切 | ふみきり | railway crossing, level crossing, starting line |
適切 | てきせつ | pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance |
電話を切 | でんわをきる | to hang up the phone |
一切 | いっさい | all, everything, without exception, the whole, entirely, absolutely |
切っ掛け | きっかけ | chance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion |
切らす | きらす | to be out of, to run out of, to be short of, to be out of stock |
切り抜き | きりぬき | scraps, cuts |
切り捨て | きりすて | (historical) using people of low rank as sword fodder, omission, rounding down |
切り替え | きりかえ, せったい | exchange, conversion, replacement, switching (to), switchover |
切り札 | きりふだ | trump card |
切磋琢磨 | せっさたくま | cultivate one's character by studying hard, diligent application |
切磋琢磨し合う | せっさたくましあう | to work hard together, to be in a state of friendly rivalry |
切羽詰まって | せっぱつまって | under the pressure of necessity |
切羽詰まる | せっぱつまる | to be at one's wit's end, to be cornered |
吹っ切れる | ふっきれる | to break through, to become unbound by, to ooze out |
哀切 | あいせつ | pathetic, plaintive |
困り切る | こまりきる | to be greatly perplexed, to be greatly embarrassed |
帝王切開 | ていおうせっかい | Caesarean section (Cesarean), C-section |
思い切って | おもいきって | resolutely, boldly, daringly |
懇切 | こんせつ | kindness, cordiality, exhaustiveness |
歯切れ | はぎれ | the feel when biting, manner of enunciation |
澄み切った | すみきった | perfectly clear |
澄み切る | すみきる | to be serene |
煮え切らない | にえきらない | half-cooked, vague, halfhearted, indecisive |
皮切り | かわきり | beginning, start |
紋切り型 | もんきりがた | fixed formula, stereotyped phrase, hackneyed |
締め切り | しめきり | closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance |
袈裟切り | けさぎり | slashing a sword diagonally from the shoulder |
裏切る | うらぎる | to betray, to turn traitor to, to double-cross |
逃げ切る | にげきる | to get away, to manage to hold on |
郵便切手 | ゆうびんきって | postage stamp |
鎌切 | かまきり, とうろう, いもじり, いいぼむしり, カマキリ | praying mantis (esp. the narrow-winged mantis, Tenodera angustipennis) |