meaning'part, degree, minute (of time)'
 onyomiブン, フン, ブ
 kunyomiわ.ける, わ.け, わ.かれる, わ.かる, わ.かつ
ふん、ぷ、わ・ける、わ・かるpart, minute, to divide, to understand
分のごぶんのいちone fifth
分のニにぶんのにtwo fifths
~分~ふん~ minutes
よぶんextra, excess, surplus
分るわかるto be understood
分かれるわかれるto branch off, to diverge from, to fork, to split
分けるわけるto divide, to separate
くぶん(a) division, (a) classification, sorting, grouping
じゅうぶんenough , sufficient
分のよんぶんのいちone quarter
だいぶconsiderably, greatly, a lot
分けひきわけa draw (in competition), tie game
せいぶんingredient, component, composition
ぶんすうfraction (in math)
分がいきぶんがいいto feel well
分がきぶんがわるいto feel ill
きぶんfeeling, mood
しゅうぶんautumn equinox
とうぶんdivision into equal parts
分でじぶんでby oneself
ぶんかいanalysis, disassembly
みぶんsocial position, social status
だいぶぶんmost part, greater part, majority
ぶぶんportion, section, part
ぶんやa field, an area, a sphere
ぶんりょうamount, quantity
ようぶんnourishment, nutrient
システム分システムぶんせきsystems analysis
いちぶいちりん(not even) a bit of, (not even) a hint of, (not) an iota of
わずいちぶいちりんもたがわずto be exactly alike
ふかぶんatomic, indivisibility
ふおんぶんしdisturbing elements
くぶくりんten to one, nine cases out of ten
ごぶhalf, 50%, tie, evenness; 5 parts, 5%
かりしょぶんtemporary measures
はちぶおんぷ8th note
ないぶんぴ, ないぶんぴつendocrine; incretion, internal secretion
ないぶんぴせん, ないぶんぴつせんendocrine gland
しょぶんdisposal, dealing, punishment
分けわけsharing, division; draw, tie
ぶんさつseparate volume, fascicle, fascicule
ぶんかつpartition, division, separation, segmenting, splitting
ぶんりん(not) in the least, (not) a bit
ぶんきdivergence (e.g. in a road); forking, jump, multi-drop
ぶんきてんjunction, crossroads, division point, parting of ways
ぶんたんapportionment, allotment, share
ぶんすいれいwatershed, divide
ぶんぴつ, ぶんぴsecretion
ぶんぴぶつ, ぶんぴつぶつsecretion
ぶんかかいsubcommittee meeting, subworking group
ぶんれつsplit, division, break up
ぶんじょうselling (real-estate) lots
ぶんかつseparate jurisdiction
ぶんりseparation, partition, detachment, segregation, isolation, decollation
しぶんごれつ, しぶごれつtorn asunder, disrupted and disorganized
いんしぶんせきfactor analysis
こくぶんじ(Nara Era) state-supported provincial temples
えんぶんsalt, salt content
ぞんぶんto one's heart's content, as much as one wants
きょくしょぶんきlocal jump
しじょうぶんせきmarket analysis
った分のこったぶんamount left over
まいふんevery minute, per minute
ねんえきぶんぴつせん, ねんえきぶんぴせんmucus gland
とうぶんamount of sugar, sugar content
さいぼうぶんれつcell division
じぶんmyself, yourself, oneself, himself, herself; I, me
分けくさわけpioneer, pathfinder, originator, founder, trailblazer
ぎょうせいしょぶんadministrative measures (disposition)
はいぶんdistribution, allotment
ひきょくしょぶんきnon-local jump
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