meaning'inside, within, between, among, house, home'
 onyomiナイ, ダイ
いないwithin; inside of; less than
ないおうdepths; inner part
かないone's wife, a family, one's people
ないかいa physician
うちこうしょう, ないこうしょうpreliminary negotiations
うちがわinside, interior, inner part
ないていsecret investigation, private enquiry, private inquiry, reconnaissance, scouting
ないぶんぴ, ないぶんぴつendocrine; incretion, internal secretion
ないぶんぴせん, ないぶんぴつせんendocrine gland
ないほうconnotation; inclusion, containment within
うちぼりinner moat, moat within the castle walls
ないがい, うちそとinside and outside, domestic and foreign, approximately, interior and exterior
ないようsubject, contents, matter, substance, detail, import
うちでしprivate pupil, apprentice
ないけいbore, inside diameter
ないゆうがいかんtroubles both at home and abroad
ないしんunofficial report, confidential report
ないじinner ear
ないぞうinternal organs, intestines, viscera
ないえんinner garden, inner park
ないぞうinternal (e.g. disk), built-in, equipped (with)
ないそうinterior design, interior, upholstery
ないかくinterior angle, inside corner (baseball)
うちわけthe items, breakdown, classification
ないだくinformal consent, private consent
ないえつprivate audience
ないぶinterior, inside, internal
ないかくcabinet, (government) ministry
ないかくかんぼうCabinet Secretariat
ないかくほうせいきょくCabinet Legislation Bureau
ないじゅdomestic demand
くないin the ward or borough
こくないinternal, domestic
けんないwithin the sphere
こうないwithin a pit or (mine) shaft
こうないじこmine accident
じょうないinside a castle
いきないinside the area
けいだいcompound, grounds
がいじゅうないごうgentle but firm
くないちょうImperial Household Agency
かていないdomestic, in the family
しない(within a) city, local
まくうちhighest-ranking sumo division
の内かげのないかくshadow cabinet
とうじょうあんないboarding announcement
わくないwithin the limits (framework, boundaries, price, etc.)
こうないpremises, grounds, campus, in-house
こうないinside the harbour, inside the harbor
ちょうないneighborhood, neighbourhood, street, block, town
けんないwithin the prefecture
かんないwithin the jurisdiction of
たいないinterior of womb
ていないgrounds, premises
とないmetropolitan area
かくない(inside the) Cabinet
りょうない(within a) territory, domains
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