term | pronunciation | English |
八 | はち | eight |
八つ | やっつ | eight things |
十八 | じゅうはち | eighteen |
八日 | ようか | the 8th day |
八百屋 | やおや | greengrocer |
八百 | はっぴゃく | 800 |
百八十度 | ひゃくはちじゅうど | 180 degrees |
三十八度線 | さんじゅうはちどせん | the Thirty-eighth Parallel |
八丁 | はっちょう | skillfulness |
八分音符 | はちぶおんぷ | 8th note |
八十 | はちじゅう, やそ | eighty |
八幡 | はちまん | Hachiman (God of War); Hachiman shrine; certainly |
八月 | はちがつ | August |
八朔 | はっさく | Hassaku orange (Citrus hassaku); 1st of August (lunar calendar) |
八紘 | はっこう | the eight directions, the whole land, the whole world |
八紘一宇 | はっこういちう | universal brotherhood, all eight corners of the world under one roof |
八郎潟 | はちろうがた | Lagoon Hachiro |
八重 | やえ | multilayered, doubled |
八重桜 | やえざくら | double-flowered cherry tree, double cherry blossoms |
八面玲瓏 | はちめんれいろう | beautiful from all sides, perfect serenity, affability |
胸突き八丁 | むなつきはっちょう | the most trying spot or period, the most difficult period |