meaning'faith, truth, fidelity, trust'
信じるしんじるto believe, to place trust in
信ずるしんずるto believe, to believe in, to place trust in
しんらいreliance, trust, confidence
しんこう(religious) faith, belief, creed
しんごうtraffic light
しんようconfidence, dependence, credit, faith
あかしんごうa red light, a danger signal
そうしんsender, transmitter
信するていしんするto fall, to go down
つうしんcorrespondence, communication, news, signal
あおしんごうa green light
ふしんunfaithfulness, insincerity, perfidy, mistrust, distrust, discredit
ふしんにんnon-confidence, lack of confidence
じんぎれいちしんthe 5 Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, and sincerity)
しんこうかじょうarticles of faith
しんごうきtraffic light; signalling mechanism, semaphore (apparatus)
あほうどり, しんてんおう, アホウドリalbatross (esp. the short-tailed albatross, Phoebastria albatrus)
しんぽうbelief, faith
しんとlayman, believer, adherent, follower, laity
しんねんbelief, faith, conviction
しんじょうcreed, belief, article of faith
しんげんぶくろcloth bag
しんようさぎconfidence game
しんようきんこcredit union
しんたくtrust, entrusting
しんたくけいやくtrust agreement
しんぱんがいしゃcredit company
しんらいせいcredibility, authenticity, confidence, reliability
しんらいじょうせいtrust building, confidence building
じゅしんreception (e.g. radio), receipt
こくさいむせんつうしんしもんいいんかいComite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications, CCIR
こくさいでんしんでんわしもんいいんかいInternational Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT
うちゅうつうしんspace communication
とうししんたくinvestment trust
きょうしん(religious) fanaticism
じしんかじょうoverconfident, presumptuous
ていしんcommunications (e.g. post, tele.)
簿つうしんぼreport card
つうしんもうcommunications network
つうしんえいせいcommunication satellite, Broadcast Satellite, BS
つうしんはんばいmail order
そうなんしんごうdistress signal, SOS
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