meaning'expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase'
 kunyomiの.びる, の.ばす, の.べる, の.す
伸ばすのばすto lengthen, to stretch, to reach out, to grow
伸びるのびるto stretch, to extend, to make progress, to grow
伸しのしstretching; sidestroke (in swimming)
伸びやかのびやかcomfortable, carefree
伸び伸びのびのびfeeling at ease, carefree
伸びのびなやむto be sluggish (business)
伸びのびりつgrowth rate, coefficient of extension
しんちょうexpansion, extension, elongation, stretching, uncompression
しんしゅくexpansion and contraction, elasticity, flexibility
しんちょうexpansion, extension, elongation, stretching, uncompression
きゅうしんsudden rise (esp. of stock prices), jump
ぞくしんcontinuous rise
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