term | pronunciation | English |
伝える | つたえる | to tell, to report |
伝わる | つたわる | to be handed down, to be introduced |
宣伝 | せんでん | propaganda, publicity |
手伝う | てつだう | to help; to assist |
お手伝いさん | おてつだいさん | maid |
伝承 | でんしょう | transmission, hand down (information), legend, tradition, folklore |
伝搬 | でんぱん | transmission, propagation, spread |
伝書鳩 | でんしょばと | carrier pigeon, homing pigeon |
伝染病 | でんせんびょう | infectious disease, contagious disease, epidemic |
伝統 | でんとう | tradition, convention |
伝統的 | でんとうてき | traditional, conventional |
伝説 | でんせつ | tradition, legend, folklore |
制約伝搬 | せいやくでんぱん | constraint propagation |
手伝い | てつだい | helper, assistant; help |
渚伝い | なぎさづたい | along the shore |
磯伝い | いそづたい | along the beach |
自伝 | じでん | autobiography |
自叙伝 | じじょでん | autobiography |
逓伝 | ていでん | relay |
遺伝 | いでん | heredity, inherent |
遺伝子 | いでんし | gene, genetic |
駅伝 | えきでん | stagecoach, post horse |