meaning'responsibility, duty, term, entrust to, appoint'
 kunyomiまか.せる, まか.す
任せるまかせるto entrust to another, to leave to
せきにんduty, responsibility
ふしんにんnon-confidence, lack of confidence
しゅにんperson in charge, responsible official
にんobligation, duty, charge, responsibility
にんむduty, function, office, mission, task
にんてんどうNintendo (video game company)
にんきterm of office
けんにんconcurrent post
けいじせきにんcriminal liability
たんしんふにんしゃemployee posted away from their family
せんにんfull-time service
しゅうにんinauguration, assumption of office
じょうにんstanding, regular, permanent
たんにんin charge (of something); homeroom teacher
れきにんsuccessive jobs, consecutive jobs
りゅうにんremaining (staying) in office, remaining at one's post
はいにんbreach of trust (law)
じどうしゃそんがいばいしょうせきにんほけんmandatory vehicle liability insurance
せきにんかんsense of responsibility
せきにんしゃresponsible party
ふにん(proceeding to) new appointment
ふにんちplace of (new) post, (new) place of appointment
じにんto resign; resignation
退たいにんretirement, resignation, stepping down
どうぎてきせきにんmoral obligation
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