meaning'orders, ancient laws, command, decree'
めいれいorder, command, decree, directive
れいcommand, order, dictation
婿れいせいyour son-in-law
れいじょう(your) daughter, young woman
しれいcommand, control, commander
しれいかんcommandant, commanding officer, general
かいげんれいmartial law
しれいorders, instructions, directive, command
せいれいgovernment ordinance, cabinet order
ほうれいlaws and ordinances, acts (of parliament, congress, etc.)
はつれいofficial announcement, proclamation
しょうれいministerial ordinance
くんれいdirective, instructions
しょうれいimperial edict
じれいnotice of personnel change (appointment, dismissal, etc.)
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