meaning'adhere, attach, refer to, append'
 kunyomiつ.ける, -つ.ける, -づ.ける, つ.け, つ.け-, -つ.け, -づ.け, -づけ, つ.く, -づ.く, つ.き, -つ.き, -つき, -づ.き, -づき
付くつくto adjoin, to be attached, to adhere
付けるつけるto attach, to join, to add, to append
うけつけreception desk
付きつきあいassociation, socializing, fellowship
つきあうto associate with, to keep company with
い付くおもいつくto think of, to hit upon
ひづけdate, dating
を付けるきをつけるto be careful, to pay attention, to take care
付けるかたづけるto tidy up, to put in order, to put away
付かるみつかるto be found, to be discovered
付けるみつけるto be familiar, to discover, to detect
い付けるいいつけるto tell, to tell on (someone), to order
付けることづけるto send word, to send a message
付けるちかづけるto bring near, to put close, to let come near, t
ふきんneighbourhood, vicinity, environs
い付きさんしょくまかないつきwith three meals served
こうふdelivering, handing over, furnishing (e.g. with copies), issuance, issuing
付きつきそいattendance on, attendant, escort, chaperon, retinue
付きつきそいかんごふprivate nurse
付きつきそうto attend on, to wait upon, to accompany, to escort and wait on, to chaperone
付けつけとどけtip, present
ふよgrant, allowance, endowment, bestowal, assignment, conferment
ふかaddition, annexation, appendage
ふしょくconferment, act of conferring (honour, gift, etc.)
ふたいincidental, ancillary, accessory, secondary, collateral
ふろくappendix, supplement, annex
し付きただしづき, ただしつきconditional
付けいちづけ, いちつけplacement, fixed position, mapping out, location
付けるいんしょうづけるto impress (someone)
きふcontribution, donation
きふこういact of endowment or donation
を付けたほしくさをつけたうまhorse loaded with hay
付けあとかたづけtidying up, cleaning, clearing away, putting in order
え付けすえつけinstallation, setting, fitting, mounting
え付けるすえつけるto install, to equip, to mount
付きじょうけんつきconditionally, with conditions attached
り付けるなぐりつけるto beat (someone in battle)
てんぷattachment, appendage, annex, annexure
げ付きこげつきa bad debt
ばんづけranking of entertainers, sumo wrestlers, etc.
付きもんつきclothing (e.g. kimono) decorated with one's family crest
のうふpayment, supply
きゅうふpayment; performance
い付けるぬいつけるto sew on
い付けかいつけbuying, purchasing
い付きまかないつきwith meals, meals inclusive
かんぷreturn, restoration, refund, (duty) drawback
り付けかざりつけdecoration, arrangement
け付けかけつけさんばいthree cups of sake which latecomers to a party are made to drink
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