term | pronunciation | English |
事 | こと、ジ、ズ | thing, matter, fact, affair |
万事 | ばんじ | everything |
仕事 | しごと | work, a job, business, a task, an occupation |
事件 | じけん | event, affair, incident |
刑事 | けいじ | criminal case, (police) detective |
判事 | はんじ | judge, judiciary |
事務員 | じむいん | secretary |
大事な | だいじな | important, precious, valuable |
大事 | だいじ | important, valuable, serious matter |
事実 | じじつ | fact, truth, reality |
家事 | かじ | housework |
工事 | こうじ | construction work |
事後 | じご | an accident, a breakdown, a failure, an incident |
事情 | じじょう | circumstances, consideration, conditions, situation |
事態 | じたい | situation, present state of affairs |
事務所 | じむしょ | office |
交通事故 | こうつうじこ | a traffic accident |
事故 | じこ | accident |
出来事 | できごと | an event, an incident |
火事 | かじ | a fire |
炊事 | すいじ | cooking, culinary arts |
無事 | ぶじ | safety, peace, quietness |
物事 | ものごと | things, everything |
用事 | ようじ | business |
知事 | ちじ | prefectural governor |
祝い事 | いわいごと | a celebration |
百科事典 | ひゃっかじてん | an encyclopedia |
考え事 | かんがえごと | concern |
行事 | ぎょうじ | event, function |
見事な | みごとな | beautiful, excellent, fine, splendid, marvelous |
見事 | みごと | splendid, magnificent, beautiful, admirable |
国会議事 | こっかいぎじどう | the (Japanese) National Diet |
返事 | へんじ | an answer, a reply |
領事 | りょうじ | consul |
食事 | しょうくじ | a meal |
不祥事 | ふしょうじ | scandal, deplorable event |
事例 | じれい | example, precedent |
事典 | じてん, ことてん | cyclopedia, encyclopedia |
事前 | じぜん | prior, beforehand, in advance |
事務 | じむ | business, office work |
事務取扱い | じむとりあつかい | acting director |
事務局 | じむきょく | secretariat, executive office |
事務机 | じむづくえ | clerical desk |
事務次官 | じむじかん | permanent vice-president, undersecretary, vice-minister |
事実は小説より奇也 | じじつはしょうせつよりきなり | Truth is stranger than fiction |
事実上 | じじつじょう | (as a) matter of fact, actually, in reality |
事柄 | ことがら | matter, thing, affair, circumstance |
事業 | じぎょう | project, enterprise, business, industry, operations |
事珍しく | ことめずらしく | like something strange |
事項 | じこう | matter, item, facts |
人に悪事を唆す | ひとにあくじをそそのかす | to entice a person to do something wrong |
人間万事塞翁が馬 | じんかんばんじさいおうがうま | inscrutable are the ways of heaven, fortune is unpredictable and changeable |
伺い事 | うかがいごと | inquiry, enquiry |
冗談事 | じょうだんこと | joking matter |
刑事訴訟 | けいじそしょう | criminal action |
刑事責任 | けいじせきにん | criminal liability |
副知事 | ふくちじ | lieutenant governor |
厄介事 | やっかいごと | trouble, difficulty, burden |
参事官 | さんじかん | councillor, councilor |
叙事詩 | じょじし | descriptive poetry, epic poem |
国際協力事業団 | こくさいきょうりょくじぎょうだん | Japan International Cooperation Agency (1974), JICA |
坑内事故 | こうないじこ | mine accident |
基礎工事 | きそこうじ | foundation works |
墜落事故 | ついらくじこ | a plane crash |
宇宙開発事業団 | うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだん | National Space Development Agency, NASDA |
師事 | しじ | study under, looking up, apprentice oneself |
幹事会 | かんじかい | board of governors |
庶事 | しょじ | various matters, everything |
従事 | じゅうじ | engaging, pursuing, following (e.g. profession or occupation) |
惨事 | さんじ | disaster, horrible accident |
慶事 | けいじ | auspicious event |
故事 | こじ | origin, historical fact, tradition |
新聞記事 | しんぶんきじ | newspaper story (article, account) |
既成事実 | きせいじじつ | established fact, fait accompli |
日常茶飯事 | にちじょうさはんじ | everyday occurrence |
時事 | じじ | events of the day, current affairs |
検事 | けんじ | public prosecutor |
椿事 | ちんじ | strange occurrence, unusual occurrence, unexpected occurrence |
民事訴訟 | みんじそしょう | civil action, civil suit, civil proceedings |
民事訴訟法 | みんじそしょうほう | (Japanese) Civil Proceedings Act (1890, revised in 1926) |
法律事務所 | ほうりつじむしょ | law office, law firm |
珍事 | ちんじ | strange occurrence, unusual occurrence, unexpected occurrence |
理事 | りじ | director, board of directors |
県知事 | けんちじ | prefectural governor |
福祉事務所 | ふくしじむしょ | welfare office, social security office |
福祉事業 | ふくしじぎょう | welfare work |
綺麗事 | きれいごと | fine skill, simplicity |
総領事 | そうりょうじ | consul general |
艶事 | つやごと | love affair, romance |
記事 | きじ | article, news story, report, account |
訴訟事件 | そしょうじけん | lawsuit, (legal) case |
諮問事項 | しもんじこう | terms of reference |
議事録 | ぎじろく | record of proceedings, minutes |
軍事 | ぐんじ | military affairs |
軍事的侵略 | ぐんじてきしんりゃく | military aggression |
軍事顧問 | ぐんじこもん | military adviser, military advisor |
韻事 | いんじ | artistic pursuits |