term | pronunciation | English |
予備 | よび | preparation, preliminaries, reserve, spare |
予報 | よほう | forecast, prediction |
予定 | よてい | plans, arrangement, schedule |
予期 | よき | expectation, assume will happen, forecast |
天気予報 | てんきよほう | weather forecast, weather report |
予測 | よそく | prediction, estimation |
予算 | よさん | budget |
予約 | よやく | reservation, booking |
予習 | よしゅう | preparation for a lesson |
予防 | よぼう | prevention, precaution, protection against |
予想 | よそう | expectation, anticipation, prediction, forecast |
予想収穫高 | よそうしゅうかくだか | crop estimate |
予想外 | よそうがい | unexpected, unforeseen, strange |
予断 | よだん | guessing, prediction, conclusion |
予算措置 | よさんそち | budgetary provision |
予選 | よせん | nomination, primary, preliminary contest |
予防接種 | よぼうせっしゅ | immunization, immunisation, vaccination, inoculation |
収穫予想 | しゅうかくよそう | crop estimate |
国立予防衛生研究所 | こくりつよぼうえいせいけんきゅうしょ | National Institute of Health |
執行猶予 | しっこうゆうよ | stay of execution, suspended sentence |
暫定予算 | ざんていよさん | provisional budget |
猶予 | ゆうよ | postponement, deferment, extension (of time) |
猶予なく | ゆうよなく | without delay, promptly |
補正予算 | ほせいよさん | revised or supplementary budget |
起訴猶予 | きそゆうよ | suspension of indictment, leaving charge on the file |