 kunyomiなか, うち, あた.る
いちにちじゅうall day long
の中よのなかthe world; life; the times; the age
ちゅうせいMiddle Ages, mediaeval times
なかinner, center, between
中でとちゅうでon the way, en route
~中~ちゅうduring, while ~ing (suffix)
とちゅうon the way, en route, midway
なかなかvery, considerably, quite
ちゅうとin the middle, half-way
ちゅうこ(1) used, second-hand, old
むちゅうdaze, (in a) trance, ecstasy, delirium
ちゅうおうcentre, central, center, middle
ちゅうがくa middle school
ねんじゅうwhole year, always, everyday
べんきょうちゅうwhile studying
ちゅうせいneuter gender, neutral (chem.), indifference
にっちゅうdaytime, broad daylight
ちゅうじゅんsecond third of a month
さいちゅうin the middle of
ちゅうとうMiddle East
ちゅうがっこうmiddle school
ちゅうしsuspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
すいちゅうunder water
ねっちゅうnuts!, enthusiasm, zeal, mania
ちゅうがくせいmiddle school student
ん中まんなかthe very middle
まんなかmiddle, centre
くうちゅうsky, air
ちゅうべいCentral America
せなかthe back (of the body)
はなしちゅうwhile talking, the line is busy
ちゅうごくごChinese language
なかみcontents, the substance
中古車a second-hand car
ちゅうかんmiddle, midway, interim
中するしゅうちゅうするto concentrate, to centralize
中でもなかでもamong (other things), inter alia; above all (else)
ちゅうきょうNagoya and environs
ちゅうさlieutenant colonel, commander (navy)
ちゅうそつjunior high school or middle school graduate
ちゅうなんべいCentral and South America
ちゅうがたmedium sized
なかがきmiddle fence
ちゅうしつCentral Executive Committee
アジアちゅうおうアジアcentral Asia
ちゅうおうぐちcentral entrance
ちゅうおういいんかいcentral committee
ちゅうおうけいかくcentralized planning, centralised planning
ちゅうおうしゅうけんcentralized authoritarian rule, centralised authoritarian rule
ちゅうおうしゅうけんかcentralization of power, centralisation of power
ちゅういfirst lieutenant, lieutenant junior grade
ちゅうしょうきぎょうsmall to medium enterprises, smaller companies
ちゅうしょうきぎょうちょう(Japanese) Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
なかじまisland in a pond or river
なかにわcourtyard, quadrangle, middle court
なかしなCentral China
ちゅうすうしんけいcentral nerves
ちゅうかくkernel, core, nucleus, resident control program
ちゅうおうCentral Europe
ちゅうどくpoisoning; addiction
なかすsandbank (in a river), sandbar
ちゅうさんかいきゅうmiddle class, bourgeoisie
ちゅうりゃくomission, ellipsis
ちゅうばんmiddle (stage)
ちゅうとうsecond grade, medium quality, average, middle class, secondary grade
ちゅうきゅうintermediate level
ちゅうけいrelay, hook-up
なかつぎintermediary, agency, brokerage, (electric) relay
ちゅうじえんtympanitis (inflammation of middle ear)
ちゅうふくmountain side, halfway up
ちゅうかChinese (e.g. food)
ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこくPeople's Republic of China, Communist China
ちゅうかみんこくRepublic of China (Taiwan)
ちゅうきぼmid-range, mid-scale, mid-size
ちゅうごしover center field (centre)
ちゅうきょりmiddle-distance (races)
ちゅうきょりかくせんりょくintermediate-range nuclear forces
ちゅうじくaxis, pivot, central figure, key man
退ちゅうたいleaving school during a term
きょうさんとうちゅうおういいんかいCentral Committee of the Communist Party
ごごじゅうthroughout the afternoon
みぎちゅうかっこclosing brace
うちゅうかんbetween right and center fielders (baseball) (centre)
しろくじちゅうaround the clock, day and night (Note: 4 x 6 = 24)
にんしんちゅうどくしょうtoxemia of pregnancy
にんしんちゅうぜつabortion, pregnancy termination
きゅうちゅうimperial court
しちゅうin the city
ふちゅうFuchuu (in Tokyo)
かいちゅうとけい, かいちゅうどけいpocket watch
かいちゅうでんとうelectric torch, flashlight
しょうちゅうin the hand, (something) easily manipulated
中のしょうちゅうのたまapple of one's eye
しょちゅううかがいmid-summer menu
あんちゅうもさくgroping in the dark, exploring new avenues without having any clues
かちゅうvortex, maelstrom, whirlpool, convulsions, upheaval
むがむちゅうbeing absorbed in, losing oneself in
ごくちゅうduring imprisonment, while in jail (gaol)
なまちゅうけい(on TV) "live" broadcast
まっただなかright in the midst of, right at the height of
くうちゅうろうかくcastle in the air
きょうちゅうone's mind, one's intentions
のうそっちゅうstroke, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage
おいらんどうちゅうprocession of courtesans
ほうちゅうvisit to China
じんちゅうin camp, at the front
しゅうちゅうconcentration, convergence, centralization, integration, gathering together
しゅうちゅうごううlocal downpour, severe rain fall
しょくちゅうどくfood poisoning
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