meaning'generation, world, society, public'
 onyomiセイ, セ, ソウ
 kunyomiよ, さんじゅう
よ、せい、せworld, generation, age
世のよのなかthe world; life; the times; the age
ちゅうせいMiddle Ages, mediaeval times
せだいa generation
せかいworld, the globe, the earth
21世紀にじゅういっせいきTwenty-First Century
うえよえukiyoe (Edo wood-block prints)
をす世話をするto take care (of); to help; to look after
せわlooking after, help, aid, assistance
せけんworld, society, life, people
せぞくcommon customs, worldliness, vulgar, popular, the world, the common people
よつぎheir, successor
せたい, しょたいhousehold, home, family, housekeeping
せかいいちbest in the world
せかいてきglobal, international, world-famous
せかいちつじょworld order
せかいぎんこうWorld Bank
せいきまつend of a century (esp. 19th), fin-de-siecle
せしゅうheredity, heritage
せろん, よろんpublic opinion
せぎんWorld Bank
世のにせのちぎりmarriage vows
にじっせいき, にじゅっせいきtwentieth century
ぜんせいきlast century, ancient times
しゅくせいage of decline (said of a nation)
がいせいdeploring the course of public events
えいせいeternity, perpetuity, immortality, permanence
ちゅうせきせいalluvial epoch (i.e. the Holocene epoch)
こうせきせいdiluvial epoch
きせいrare, uncommon
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