term | pronunciation | English |
不 | フ、ブ | un-, not, negation, bad, dis- |
不便 | ふべん | inconvenient; not useful |
不便な | ふべんな | inconvenient |
不利 | ふり | disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, drawback |
不可 | ふか | wrong, bad, improper, unjustifiable, inadvisable |
不吉 | ふきつ | bad omen |
不味い | まずい | unpleasant (taste) |
不安 | ふあん | unease |
不平 | ふへい | complaint, discontent, dissatisfaction |
不幸 | ふこう | unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accidental |
不明 | ふめい | unclear |
不正 | ふせい | injustice, unfairness |
不気味 | ぶきみ | weird |
不満 | ふまん | dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaint |
不潔 | ふけつ | unclean, dirty, filthy, impure |
不自由 | ふじゆう | discomfort, disability, inconvenience, destitution |
不規則 | ふきそく | irregularity, unsteadiness, disorderly |
不思議 | ふしぎ | mystery, curiosity |
不足 | ふそく | insufficiency; shortage |
不通 | ふつう | suspension, interruption, stoppage, tie-up |
不運 | ふうん | unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, fate |
不仲 | ふなか | discord |
不信 | ふしん | unfaithfulness, insincerity, perfidy, mistrust, distrust, discredit |
不信任 | ふしんにん | non-confidence, lack of confidence |
不倒翁 | おきあがりこぼし | tumbler, self-righting toy |
不倫 | ふりん | adultery, immorality, impropriety |
不偏不党 | ふへんふとう | impartiality, neutrality, independence |
不健康 | ふけんこう | poor health, ill health, unhealthy |
不動産 | ふどうさん | real estate |
不可侵 | ふかしん | inviolability, sacredness, nonaggression |
不可分 | ふかぶん | atomic, indivisibility |
不可欠 | ふかけつ | indispensable, essential |
不可能 | ふかのう | impossible |
不可避 | ふかひ | inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable |
不名誉 | ふめいよ | dishonor, dishonour, disgrace, shame |
不在 | ふざい | absence |
不均衡 | ふきんこう | imbalance, disparity, out of balance, inequality |
不妊 | ふにん | infertility, sterility, barrenness |
不妊症 | ふにんしょう | infertility, sterility, barrenness |
不安定 | ふあんてい | instability, insecurity, crankiness |
不完全 | ふかんぜん | imperfect, incomplete, faulty, defective |
不屈 | ふくつ | persistence, fortitude, indomitability |
不履行 | ふりこう | default, nonperformance |
不平等 | ふびょうどう | inequality, unequal (treaties), unfair |
不徳 | ふとく | lack of virtue, immorality, vice, depravity, unworthiness |
不徹底 | ふてってい | inconsistent, illogical, unconvincing, not thorough, indefinite, half-way |
不必要 | ふひつよう | unnecessary, undesired |
不快 | ふかい | unpleasant, displeasure, discomfort |
不愉快 | ふゆかい | discomfort, unpleasantness, disagreeableness, unhappiness |
不慣れ | ふなれ | inexperience, lack of experience |
不慮 | ふりょ | unforeseen, accidental |
不払い | ふばらい | nonpayment, default |
不振 | ふしん | dullness, depression, slump, stagnation |
不整脈 | ふせいみゃく | irregular pulse, arrhythmia |
不明朗 | ふめいろう | gloominess, gloom; questionable, unfair, underhand |
不明瞭 | ふめいりょう | dimness, obscurity, indistinctness, unclear, unintelligible |
不景気 | ふけいき | business recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessness |
不智 | ふち | something unknown; ignorance, foolishness |
不朽 | ふきゅう | everlasting, immortal, eternal, immortality, imperishable |
不朽の名作 | ふきゅうのめいさく | immortal work |
不毛 | ふもう | sterile, barren, unproductive, sour |
不況 | ふきょう | recession, depression, slump |
不滅 | ふめつ | immortal, undying, indestructible |
不燃 | ふねん | incombustibility |
不眠 | ふみん | sleeplessness, insomnia, wakefulness |
不眠症 | ふみんしょう | sleeplessness, insomnia, wakefulness |
不祥 | ふしょう | disgraceful, inauspicious, ill-omened, ominous, scandalous |
不祥事 | ふしょうじ | scandal, deplorable event |
不穏 | ふおん | unrest, turbulence, impropriety |
不穏分子 | ふおんぶんし | disturbing elements |
不穏当 | ふおんとう | impropriety, inappropriateness, unfairness, unreasonableness |
不純物 | ふじゅんぶつ | foreign matter, impurities |
不羈奔放 | ふきほんぽう | free-spirited and uninhibited |
不自然 | ふしぜん | unnatural, artificial, affected, strained |
不良 | ふりょう | badness, inferiority, delinquency, failure, defect, blemish |
不虞 | ふぐ | emergency |
不行き届き | ふゆきとどき | negligence, carelessness, incompetence, mismanagement |
不詳 | ふしょう | unknown, unidentified, unspecified |
不謹慎 | ふきんしん | indiscretion, imprudence |
不起訴 | ふきそ | nonprosecution or indictment |
不透明 | ふとうめい | opacity |
不遇 | ふぐう | misfortune, bad luck, obscurity |
優柔不断 | ゆうじゅうふだん | shilly-shally, indecisiveness |
公的不法妨害 | こうてきふほうぼうがい | public nuisance |
己所不欲勿施於人 | おのれのほっせざるところひとにほどこすことなかれ | don't do unto others what you would not have done unto you |
心不全 | しんふぜん | heart failure |
理不尽 | りふじん | unreasonable, irrational |
稔実不良 | ねんじつふりょう | poor crop (of rice) |
肢体不自由児 | したいふじゆうじ | handicapped child |
食糧不足 | しょくりょうふそく, しょくりょうぶそく | food shortage |