meaning'up, above'
 onyomiジョウ, ショウ
 kunyomiうえ, -うえ, うわ-, かみ, あ.げる, あ.がる, あ.がり, のぼ.る, のぼ.り
うえabove, on
上るのぼるto go up
上げるあげるgo (come) up; be promoted; to rise
じょうげhigh and low, up and down
じょうたつimprovement, advance, progress
上りのぼりclimb, climbing
じょうきょうgoing to the capital
上がるしあがるto be finished; to be completed; to be ready
いじょうover, above
上げねあげprice rise
し上がるめしあがる(pol) to eat
じょうひんなelegant, refined, decent
おくじょうa rooftop, a housetop
し上げさしあげるto lift up, to raise, to give
し上げるさしあげる(polite) to give, to offer
じょうずskill, skillful, dexterity
ち上げるもちあげるto raise, to lift up, to flatter
じょうじゅんfirst 10 days of month
上がりできあがりbe finished, ready, made for, cut out
上がるできあがる(1) to be finished, to be ready, by definition
し上げもうしあげるto tell, to say, to state
し上げるもうしあげるto say, to tell
めうえone's superiors
うわぎouter garment, coat
立ち上がるたちあがるto stand up
じょうとうsuperiority, first class, very good
じょうきゅうadvanced level, high grade, senior
上げるみあげるto look up at, to raise one's eyes, to admire
りくじょう(on) land; ground; shore
ちょうじょうtop, summit, peak
かざかみ(the) windward (side)
上がったりあがったりdoomed, in a bad state, poor (e.g. business)
上げあげrise in price, making a tuck
上っ調うわっちょうしflippant, frivolous, shallow
上りのぼりざかascent, upgrade
じょうこくしんappeal hearing
じょうしん, うわくちびるupper lip
じょうそうupper stratum (classes, stories, storeys)
じょうしMarch 3rd of the lunar calendar (one of the five annual festivals)
じょうけいthe above-mentioned
じょうしょうrising, ascending, climbing
じょうえいscreening (a movie), showing; to screen a movie
じょうちsupreme wisdom
じょうしpublication, wood-block printing
じょうとうraising the ridgepole
じょうとうしきridgepole-raising ceremony
じょうきげんgood humour (humor), good mood
じょうでんhigh rice field, very fertile rice field
じょうしんreport to a superior
うわづみdeck cargo; extra; to pile on top of
じょうくうsky, the skies, high-altitude sky, upper air
じょうしupper limbs, arms
じょうゆimperial edict
じょうえつarea on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata
うえのsection of Tokyo
じょうげんupper limit, maximum
じょういんUpper House, Senate, Lords
じょうりくlanding, disembarkation
じょうりくようしゅうていlanding craft
じょうとうadvance, rise, jump
げこくじょうjuniors dominating seniors, retainer supplanting his lord
じじつじょう(as a) matter of fact, actually, in reality
きんじょうへいかthe reigning emperor, His Majesty the Emperor
上がりしあがりfinish, end, completion
上げしあげend, finishing touches, being finished
たくじょうon the table (desk), after-dinner speech
が上がらないうだつがあがらないno hope of getting ahead
こうじょうelevation, rise, improvement, advancement, progress
けいじょうspeaking respectfully
き上げるふきあげるto blow up (i.e. wind), to blow upwards, to spout into the air
ちじょうabove ground
だんじょうon a stage or platform or altar
り上げうりあげamount sold, proceeds
うりあげだかsales, amount sold, proceeds
上げかさあげraising, padding or inflation (of a bill)
せきじょうat the meeting
ゆかうえon a floor, above floor level
り上げるほりあげるto emboss, to carve in relief, to finish carving of engraving
き上げるだきあげるto hold up in one's arms
い上げるひろいあげるto pick up, to pick out
み上げるはさみあげるto pick up (with chopsticks), to take
きじょうon the desk; theoretical, academic
上のきじょうのくうろんacademic gossip, empty theory
に上せるしにのぼせるto bring (a book) into the world, to publish
上げたなあげshelving, pigeonholing
上げむねあげしきframework raising ceremony
こうじょう(on the) bank of a large river
い上げるあらいあげるto finish washing, to wash well, to investigate thoroughly
かび上がるうかびあがるto rise to the surface
ふじょうsurfacing, rising to the surface
かいじょう(by, at, on) sea, maritime, marine
かいじょうじえいたいMaritime Self Defense Forces (Defence)
こじょうon the lake
けんじょうpresenting to
り上がりもりあがりclimax, uprush; bulge
き上げるきずきあげるto build up, to establish (one's reputation)
り上げるねりあげるto train up, to discipline
り上げくりあげupward move, advance
り上げるくりあげるto move up, to advance
しじょうin a magazine
い上げかいあげbuying, purchasing
上げちんあげwage increase
ろじょう(on the) road, (on the) way
び上がるとびあがるto spring, to jump up, to fly up, to skip
り上がるおどりあがるto spring up, to leap to one's feet, to jump up and down
とじょうen route, half-way; on the road, in the street
とじょうこくdeveloping country
きんじょうcrowning beauty with even greater glory
え上げるきたえあげるto temper thoroughly, to train well
りくじょうきょうぎtrack-and-field events
りくじょうじえいたいGround Self-Defense Forces (Defence)
の上くものうえabove the clouds, the Imperial Court
が上がらないふうさいがあがらないmaking a poor appearance
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