term | pronunciation | English |
上 | うえ | above, on |
上る | のぼる | to go up |
上げる | あげる | go (come) up; be promoted; to rise |
〜の上 | 〜のうえ | above |
上下 | じょうげ | high and low, up and down |
上達 | じょうたつ | improvement, advance, progress |
上り | のぼり | climb, climbing |
上京 | じょうきょう | going to the capital |
仕上がる | しあがる | to be finished; to be completed; to be ready |
以上 | いじょう | over, above |
値上げ | ねあげ | price rise |
召し上がる | めしあがる | (pol) to eat |
上司 | じょうし | boss |
上品な | じょうひんな | elegant, refined, decent |
屋上 | おくじょう | a rooftop, a housetop |
川上 | かわかみ | upstream |
差し上げ | さしあげる | to lift up, to raise, to give |
差し上げる | さしあげる | (polite) to give, to offer |
年上 | としうえ | elder |
上手な | じょうずな | skillful |
上手 | じょうず | skill, skillful, dexterity |
持ち上げる | もちあげる | to raise, to lift up, to flatter |
上旬 | じょうじゅん | first 10 days of month |
出来上がり | できあがり | be finished, ready, made for, cut out |
出来上がる | できあがる | (1) to be finished, to be ready, by definition |
申し上げ | もうしあげる | to tell, to say, to state |
申し上げる | もうしあげる | to say, to tell |
目上 | めうえ | one's superiors |
上着 | うわぎ | outer garment, coat |
立ち上がる | たちあがる | to stand up |
上等 | じょうとう | superiority, first class, very good |
上級 | じょうきゅう | advanced level, high grade, senior |
見上げる | みあげる | to look up at, to raise one's eyes, to admire |
陸上 | りくじょう | (on) land; ground; shore |
頂上 | ちょうじょう | top, summit, peak |
風上 | かざかみ | (the) windward (side) |
上がったり | あがったり | doomed, in a bad state, poor (e.g. business) |
上げ | あげ | rise in price, making a tuck |
上っ調子 | うわっちょうし | flippant, frivolous, shallow |
上り坂 | のぼりざか | ascent, upgrade |
上り藤 | のぼりふじ | lupine |
上告審 | じょうこくしん | appeal hearing |
上唇 | じょうしん, うわくちびる | upper lip |
上層 | じょうそう | upper stratum (classes, stories, storeys) |
上巳 | じょうし | March 3rd of the lunar calendar (one of the five annual festivals) |
上掲 | じょうけい | the above-mentioned |
上昇 | じょうしょう | rising, ascending, climbing |
上映 | じょうえい | screening (a movie), showing; to screen a movie |
上智 | じょうち | supreme wisdom |
上梓 | じょうし | publication, wood-block printing |
上棟 | じょうとう | raising the ridgepole |
上棟式 | じょうとうしき | ridgepole-raising ceremony |
上機嫌 | じょうきげん | good humour (humor), good mood |
上田 | じょうでん | high rice field, very fertile rice field |
上申 | じょうしん | report to a superior |
上積み | うわづみ | deck cargo; extra; to pile on top of |
上空 | じょうくう | sky, the skies, high-altitude sky, upper air |
上肢 | じょうし | upper limbs, arms |
上諭 | じょうゆ | imperial edict |
上越 | じょうえつ | area on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata |
上野 | うえの | section of Tokyo |
上限 | じょうげん | upper limit, maximum |
上院 | じょういん | Upper House, Senate, Lords |
上陸 | じょうりく | landing, disembarkation |
上陸用舟艇 | じょうりくようしゅうてい | landing craft |
上騰 | じょうとう | advance, rise, jump |
下克上 | げこくじょう | juniors dominating seniors, retainer supplanting his lord |
丘上 | きゅうじょう | hilltop |
事実上 | じじつじょう | (as a) matter of fact, actually, in reality |
今上陛下 | きんじょうへいか | the reigning emperor, His Majesty the Emperor |
仕上がり | しあがり | finish, end, completion |
仕上げ | しあげ | end, finishing touches, being finished |
卓上 | たくじょう | on the table (desk), after-dinner speech |
卯建が上がらない | うだつがあがらない | no hope of getting ahead |
史上 | しじょう | historical |
向上 | こうじょう | elevation, rise, improvement, advancement, progress |
呈上 | ていじょう | presentation |
啓上 | けいじょう | speaking respectfully |
噴き上げる | ふきあげる | to blow up (i.e. wind), to blow upwards, to spout into the air |
地上 | ちじょう | above ground |
壇上 | だんじょう | on a stage or platform or altar |
売り上げ | うりあげ | amount sold, proceeds |
売上高 | うりあげだか | sales, amount sold, proceeds |
嵩上げ | かさあげ | raising, padding or inflation (of a bill) |
席上 | せきじょう | at the meeting |
床上 | ゆかうえ | on a floor, above floor level |
彫り上げる | ほりあげる | to emboss, to carve in relief, to finish carving of engraving |
打ち上げ | うちあげ | launch |
抱き上げる | だきあげる | to hold up in one's arms |
拾い上げる | ひろいあげる | to pick up, to pick out |
挟み上げる | はさみあげる | to pick up (with chopsticks), to take |
机上 | きじょう | on the desk; theoretical, academic |
机上の空論 | きじょうのくうろん | academic gossip, empty theory |
梓に上せる | しにのぼせる | to bring (a book) into the world, to publish |
棚上げ | たなあげ | shelving, pigeonholing |
棟上げ式 | むねあげしき | framework raising ceremony |
江上 | こうじょう | (on the) bank of a large river |
洗い上げる | あらいあげる | to finish washing, to wash well, to investigate thoroughly |
浮かび上がる | うかびあがる | to rise to the surface |
浮上 | ふじょう | surfacing, rising to the surface |
海上 | かいじょう | (by, at, on) sea, maritime, marine |
海上自衛隊 | かいじょうじえいたい | Maritime Self Defense Forces (Defence) |
湖上 | こじょう | on the lake |
献上 | けんじょう | presenting to |
盛り上がり | もりあがり | climax, uprush; bulge |
築き上げる | きずきあげる | to build up, to establish (one's reputation) |
練り上げる | ねりあげる | to train up, to discipline |
繰り上げ | くりあげ | upward move, advance |
繰り上げる | くりあげる | to move up, to advance |
至上 | しじょう | supremacy |
誌上 | しじょう | in a magazine |
買い上げ | かいあげ | buying, purchasing |
賃上げ | ちんあげ | wage increase |
路上 | ろじょう | (on the) road, (on the) way |
跳び上がる | とびあがる | to spring, to jump up, to fly up, to skip |
踊り上がる | おどりあがる | to spring up, to leap to one's feet, to jump up and down |
途上 | とじょう | en route, half-way; on the road, in the street |
途上国 | とじょうこく | developing country |
錦上 | きんじょう | crowning beauty with even greater glory |
鍛え上げる | きたえあげる | to temper thoroughly, to train well |
陸上競技 | りくじょうきょうぎ | track-and-field events |
陸上自衛隊 | りくじょうじえいたい | Ground Self-Defense Forces (Defence) |
雲の上 | くものうえ | above the clouds, the Imperial Court |
風采が上がらない | ふうさいがあがらない | making a poor appearance |