dungeons and dragons monster: xenomorph pudding

2016.09 (updated : 2008.04.20)

No. Enc.	1 (0)
Alignment	Mindless destroyer
Movement	18m (6m)
Armor class	6
Hit dice	10
Attacks		1
Damage		3d8
Save		F5
Morale		12
Hoard class	None
XP		3,100

Typically 3m to 9m in diameter, these gooey masses consume anything organic in their path with an acid that eats through wood and – in some varieties – metal. These things may squeeze through small fissures and under the cracks of doors, and move on vertical and under-hanging surfaces at full speed.

They have the ability to sense heat and analyze material structure from a distance of up to 90 feet to determine if something is edible. Puddings attack any animals (including humans) or vegetable matter upon detection.

Immune to acid, cold, and poison, puddings are only damaged by blunt or bladed weapons, fire, and fire-based magic or the magic missile spell.

If a pudding is successfully attacked in a narrow point, it is split into more individuals of reduced mass. Every successful attack creates a smaller pudding that has 2 HD and deals 1d8 hit points of damage to opponents. These are repelled by one another.

There are four known kinds of xenomorph pudding:

Black: Live underground. Black pudding acid is highly corrosive, inflicting 3-24 points of damage per round to organic matter and dissolving a 2-inch thickness of wood equal to its diameter in one round. Chain mail dissolves in one round, plate mail in two; each magical “plus” increases the time it takes to dissolve the metal by one round (thus plate mail +3 takes two rounds to dissolve for being plate mail, plus three rounds for having a +3 magical bonus, for a total of five rounds).

Brown: Dwelling principally in marsh areas, it has a tough skin but its attack is less dangerous than other types of puddings (3d6 damage). Brown puddings cannot affect metals but dissolve leather and wood in a single round, regardless of magical pluses.

Green: The most-feared form of xenomorph pudding is the green variant. While their attack does only 4 hp of damage, it’s the aftermath that terrifies. A victim that fails a saving throw versus poison will be colonized by something deposited in the sting. The victim is transformed into a green xenomorph pudding in 4d8 turns unless subjected to a cure disease or remove curse spell.

green xenomorph pudding senses your presence

it has seen you

Dun: Adapted to dwell in arid regions, these dreaded monsters scour rocky terrain and travel inside sand. They dissolve flesh in a single round, including leather armor (regardless of magical pluses). Metals are eaten at a rate half that of black puddings, with an additional two rounds per magical plus. They can survive for months without food and like to ambush prey by adopting a lattice shape and allowing sand to cover them. They then spring up easily through the sand and envelop any prey that lands on them. They are completing immune to extreme temperatures in any form.

White: White puddings haunt polar regions or icy places and due to their form are 50% likely to be mistaken for ice and snow (guaranteeing surprise) even when someone is actively searching for one of their kind. They are slow to start moving but have a terrifying attack. While white xenomorph puddings cannot affect metals, ceramics, or stone, when they touch skin that skin begins to take on a form of frost bite but within minutes rather than hours. The victim takes on 1d6 damage per round, and temporarily loses a point of STR with each passing round unless subject to a cure disease or remove curse spell. A victim that runs out of STR before running out of hit point slips into unconsciousness. Any dead or unconscious character is then consumed by the white pudding at its leisure.

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rand()m quote

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.

—Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.