Water Storage
A book review.

Water Storage
Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds for Domestic Supply, Fire and Emergency Use
by Art Ludwig
published: 2016.09.15
ISBN: 9780964343368
genre: How-to
This is a how-to on creating your own water storage. I'm a bit of a prepper and bought this in an attempt to understand water management. The book appears to have started life as a more-loosely printed affair, perhaps a DIY pamphlet or something, as it's got that size and feel, with rough paper and black-and-white images of varying quality.
There are illustrated ideas throughout this slim book on a number of scenarios.
I eventually settled on buying and storing a couple dozen large water containers, which I kept for emergencies and in fact used on two occasions when the local water supply was disabled. Not exactly a zombie apocalypse, but who's complaining.