The Trial
A book review.

The Trial
by Franz Kafka
published: 1925.04.26
ISBN: 9780241372562
genre: Fiction
👎🏽 not recommended!
This is a miserable read from start to finish, being despairing, violent, sexist, and ridiculous. The author instructed a friend to destroy all his work after the author died, and in this case I'd say the author was right. This is a nasty book and less about the purported theme of man's struggle to find a place in a complex, modern world, and more about a narcissistic mess struggling to have his every whim indulged. Even though that more or less happens. The plot lines are underdeveloped, the female characters are only there to serve male sexual purposes, and despite the steady stream of events there is not enough conflict to keep you hooked.
I had to try twice to get through this, still not sure why I did.