HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy
A book review.

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy
by Harvard Business Review
published: 2011.02.07
ISBN: 9781422157985
genre: Business (Management)
I picked this book up for my master's dissertation last year. It contains articles on strategy development by some of the "greats": Porter, Kaplan, etc. I will say two things: a lot of this stuff, like the 'balanced score card' is a bit dated; but I'd recommend reading this book to understand some of the important developments of the past few decades. HBR produces a lot of the best stuff out there and I think it serves anyone who needs to understand strategy well to read the sort of landmark articles that are in here.
My copy of this book is dog-eared and highlighted and has stars where I highlighted concepts. I referred to this book's articles in a few places. It's good to have a readable book, and better to have a useful book - and I'd call this one both.
That said, I think that there is a new generation of strategy thinkers out there who have taken the field to more interesting places since. So by all means pick up a copy to add to your understanding of the field; but preferably find a used copy.